Friday, 5 June 2009

In process.

Drawing just for pleasure of some library interior. I have to fix some things, add details and people. It is the first work of this kind for me, there can be some mistakes I guess. It could be nice to hear some comments and critics!


HUNTBOT said...

love the loose, gestural brushwork. looks like the chairs by the fireplace could use two evil old men plotting to take over the world. great start.

Stephen Grey said...

The only criticism I have here is that it's obviously a photoshop painting. There's something about the variable opacity brushes that looks very distinctive and bad (to me), you might try it with some marker brushes or brushes out of Blur's "good brush" set.

Stephen Grey said...

and another thing, your marker art is insanely cool. Love that green lambo.

Andrey Gusev said...

Thank you very much for critics!
Have to improve my painting skills.

Anonymous said...

"looks very distinctive and bad " ??? WHAT ?!?! It looks brilliant mate ! I love this piece ! Particularly the painting on the wall ! Top Marks !